AboutWeb Cares Team Meets with Robert H. Smith Business School’s Center for Social Value Creation at University of Maryland, College Park

July 11, 2017 (College Park, MD) – Robert Epstein, Founder and Angela Young, Marketing Manager of AboutWeb Cares met with the leadership team at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, including Kimberlee Robertella Glinka, Director of the Center for Social Value Creation, to discuss potential partnership opportunities and promote our recently added AboutWeb Cares internship positions.

AboutWeb is currently seeking interns for MarketingBusiness DevelopmentSourcing/Internet Research, and Software Development. Mr. Epstein is a graduate of the Robert H. Smith School of Business and has been an active alumni member.

The Center for Social Value Creation (CSVC) shares AboutWeb Care’s vision for affecting positive social change. Through signature programs and hands-on learning, CSVC helps to prepare future business leaders who advance not just the bottom line, but also the world.

The AboutWeb Cares team looks forward to future collaboration with the Robert H. Smith Business School and the CSVC.

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