Cybersecurity Alert: Phishing Attempts Likely

May 25th, 2018 (Baltimore, MD) – Today the new “General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)” European Regulation on data protection and privacy goes in effect. As a result, in order to comply with the new regulation, you will be seeing emails from different legitimate websites that you have work or personal accounts with and visit frequently containing subjects and notices like “We’re Changing Our Privacy Policy.”

Please keep in mind that this can be an opportunity for online scammers to send you phishing emails. These emails may look like they come from popular websites with “mandatory” links for you to “reset your account password” or “agree to the new terms,” and in the process, capture personal, credential and even financial information.

Our suggestion is that if you receive such email for a known website, do not use the link provided. Instead, go directly to the website using your web browser.

Have a safe (and phishing-free) Memorial Day Weekend!
-The #AboutWeb Team

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