AboutWeb Welcomes Jennifer Ebrat

AboutWeb would like to introduce announce a new member to our team, Jennifer Ebrat. Jennifer has over 7 years of experience in the staffing industry with a concentration in IT,…

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Cybersecurity Assessment Completed for a Large Not-for-profit Business

AboutWeb completed a comprehensive cyber security assessment for a large local not-for-profit. The evaluation included inspection and detailed reporting of physical security, on-site digital assets and infrastructure, internal web applications,…

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AboutWeb Deploys a Major Release of TouchStone for NVLAP at the National Institute of Standards and Technology

AboutWeb deployed a major release of TouchStone to The National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) which serves as a third-party to issue accreditations for testing and calibration labs. This new…

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AboutWeb Launches New Criteria Editor for NIST Baldrige Performance Excellence Program

AboutWeb is working closely with the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program at the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) to develop software to manage their assessment program.  AboutWeb released the…

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AboutWeb Cares In Action!

Through the AboutWeb Cares program, AboutWeb employees went to several local charities and made donations for the company's annual holiday charity drive. The donations are a part of our ongoing…

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